Stepping Forward in Faith

Dear Church,

A few weeks ago, we shared an exciting opportunity for our church to establish a more permanent presence at our current location. For some time, we have been blessed to lease approximately 5,000 square feet of this facility at a remarkably low cost. Now, we have the opportunity to take a significant step forward by leasing the entire facility.

You are reading this letter because you are a vital part of what God is doing through our church. As we prayerfully consider this next step, we invite you to seek the Lord’s guidance and consider partnering with us in this decision by voting at the Family Meeting after church March 23, 2025.

Foursquare empowers  the local church on determining what membership shall look like. We believe a member of Moment Church is someone who practices the way of Jesus. Someone who is committed to following Him by loving the local church. By demonstrating their devotion to the local church a member is one who gives of their TIME (engaging community through weekly service gathering or groups), TALENT (serving at Moment Church), and TREASURE (giving financially consistently and sacrificially to the mission and vision at Moment Church). We are just now beginning to formalize our membership process. To be considered a member we ask you to do 2 of the 3 above items (time, talent, treasure) as well as clearly being a follower of Jesus.

May the Holy Spirit lead you as you reflect on the journey He has taken our church on and the impact we can make together in the future. Thank you for your faithfulness and for being a part of this mission.

To help you in making in an informed decision here is a brief history of Moment Church:

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, the church stopped gathering in person for over a year and a half, transitioning to home gatherings. In those early years, Allison and I worked seven different jobs to sustain our ministry as unpaid volunteers.

In March 2023, I was appointed Lead Pastor (part-time) while the church was gathering in homes with only 30 people attending a monthly corporate service. We rented a Baptist church for Sunday evening gatherings, but our church lacked nearly every essential system and resource needed to function.

We spent six months restructuring everything—establishing systems, fostering community in our home groups, and preparing to relaunch our weekly gatherings.

In October 2023, we officially relaunched weekly services at 4 PM. Meanwhile, I spent the entire year praying and knocking on doors, searching for a permanent facility.

In February 2024, God provided a space at 1520 Pleasant St., allowing us to gather on Sunday mornings for the first time in years. Overnight, our church tripled in attendance, growing from 30 people to over 120 guests.

God’s Faithfulness & Growth
In 2025, the government organization that shares our lease will not be renewing, and we feel led to lease the full  facility—doubling our space and making room for more people to encounter Jesus.

Here’s what God has done since we moved into this building

Moment Groups (Community & Discipleship):

Biblical literacy as increased as groups have engaged in deep verse by verse study of scripture on a weekly basis.

We launched two new Moment Groups, bringing us to six total, with over 100 participants throughout the year.

***We aim to increase to 130+ people in groups by the end of 2025.

Moment Kids (Children’s Ministry):

January 2024: 3 kids

January 2025: Averaging 27 kids per Sunday

Currently using 3 classrooms with 10 volunteers serving weekly

***Renting the whole facility would allow us to expand to 6 classrooms, which is crucial—some Sundays, we have 18 toddlers (ages 3–4) alone!

Moment Youth (Student Ministry):

2024: Averaged 27 students on Wednesday nights

15 students gave their lives to Jesus

19 students attended camp

8 students serve on Sundays

2025: Over 30+ students attending weekly

Moment Culture (Partnership Class):

Launched Moment Culture in 2024

46 people attended to learn about church vision & partnership

Sunday Attendance Growth:

January 2024: Averaged 35 people

February–December 2024: Averaged 95 people per service

Highest attended service: 200 people

January 2025:

106 people in the chapel (sanctuary)

142 people total (including kids & volunteers

We are now at 75–80% occupancy, leading us to add a second service on Easter 2025!

Salvations & Baptisms:

31 people gave their lives to Jesus

24 people were water baptized

January 2025:

20–25 people baptized with the Holy Spirit

6 new salvations

Moment Serve Team:

97 volunteers across 12 teams

January 2025: Averaging 34 volunteers serving per Sunday

Generosity & Outreach:

76 unique donors generously supported the church

Participated in 5 food drives at a local food bank and served over 2,500 families2025 outreach expansion

Partnering with our neighboring elementary school

Hosting a hygiene drive for local students

Future Vision (2025 & Beyond)

Our mission at Moment Church is simple:

“To help people find Jesus and empower them to practice His ways here on earth.”

Our 2025 Vision includes:

Fully renting our facility & expanding ministry space

Adding a second service beginning Easter Sunday

Establishing a Young Adults ministry (launching February 2025)

More salvations, more disciples, and more people stepping into God’s purpose

Expanding our Moment Groups & discipleship efforts

Creating a stronger rhythm of prayer & worship nights

The Opportunity: We Want To Make More Room:

The Northwest District is already informed and is in support of this, we are just waiting for a finalized lease to present to the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Board of Directors.

Once we receive the finalized lease, we will inform our church body. Our prayer is that our church would respond in prayer and give financially to the goal of increasing our monthly donations $10k a month to accommodate the increase of rent and people being reached.

Starting July 1, 2025, Moment Church will fully occupy our facility. Some History:

Annual monthly average of 2024 was: $16,000.00

Year to Date average 2025: $19,000

We need our income to be $25-27k per month, representing at least an $8,000.00 dollar per month increase including:

Taking over all utilities as well receiving exclusive access starting July 1, 2025

Rent increase from $1,700/month to $7,500/month starting Oct 1, 2025

Lease: 5-year commitment (expanding from 5,000 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft.)

The goal: Raise $90,000 outside of the Moment Church family to cover our first year’s rent, allowing us to focus on ministry while adjusting to financial growth

We have building restricted funds that Foursquare will allow us to use for a facility with a long term lease. In the lease it states that if we replace the roof in the first year of the lease we will be credited $2000 a month until the cost of the roof replacement is fulfilled. The roof looks like it will be around 75-100k. Which could be closer 40 months of that $2,000 credit.

This lease also gives us the option to buy if this property makes sense for us.


I have a background in real estate and believe this is a rare, strategic opportunity for our church. The market rate for this space is $1/sq. ft., but we are being offered a fair price at $0.75/sq. Ft.

What Are We Asking of Our Church Members?
As we step into this new season, we invite you to prayerfully consider how you can partner with us in faith and generosity.

Pray with Us – Your prayers are vital as we seek God's wisdom, provision, and direction. Stand with us in faith as we discern how to embrace this next season together.

Keep Giving – To those who faithfully give, thank you! Your generosity sustains the mission of Moment Church and allows us to continue impacting lives.

Start Giving – If you call Moment Church home but haven’t yet begun giving, this is a great opportunity to step into generosity and be part of what God is doing through our church.

Give Sacrificially – There are moments when God calls His church to go beyond the ordinary—to step out in faith and give above and beyond. If God is prompting you, we invite you to join us in this act of worship and trust. Income needs to increase about $10,000 per month by Oct 1, 2025 Please seek God as to what your part of this step can be.

Invest & Invite – We need you all to continue investing into the relationships that God has placed around you and inviting those people to come investigate  becoming a follower of Jesus at Moment.

Please pray and fast before this meeting – The church council has already unanimously agreed and voted to move forward and Foursquare bi-laws require a vote of the membership as well. We are a Spirit led people, please seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and lead for this crucial step forward.

Join us
Family Meeting – March 23, 2025

When: After church in the sanctuary

(No more than 60 minutes)


During our time together, we will go over key details about this lease as well as going to two services

Hold a vote on leasing the whole facility

Answer any questions you may have



Explanation of business meeting and roll to establish membership

Call to order

Consideration of property lease for moment foursquare church & vote

Meeting adjourn

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we are making an eternal impact!

We believe generosity is not just something we do—it’s who we are. Moment Church tithes 10% of non-restricted income to Foursquare International and 1% to Foursquare Missions International, ensuring that we are always sowing into the global church. Our Church plans on continuing to do this no matter what our budget  or income is.

My family has been faithfully serving this church in many different seasons for almost a decade. When we responded to this opportunity to lead Moment Church we did it out of pure faith knowing that God was not done with this church.

We believe God wants Heaven to invade Walla Walla. We are honored that we get to play a small part of God's kingdom.

If you have any questions or would like to partner with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your time, prayers, and consideration.

With much love and gratitude,

Sean Tavakoli

Lead Pastor | Moment Church

? (509) 301-3222


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